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Our products have directly impacted well over 100,000 customers in 132 countries around the world and counting!

Over 127,000 lives impacted

A proven track record

This business system was developed over 10 years ago & embodies a global community of like minded men and women who are passionate about assisting individuals with the teachings of our proven business system and Personal Growth principles. 

"This business found me back in early 2018 and honestly I have not looked back.  Flexibility and portability was key for me in making my decision to start here as I wanted to be able to travel back to Ireland to my family when I decided to but I also wanted the potential for unlimited earnings.
 These days I am happy, content and financially independent."

Karen Murphy

"I was looking for an opportunity to create more time and money whilst working from home, around my life as a dad to a blended family of 5. We longed for greater success and financial freedom. I found success early here, in my first 6 months of business I was profitable and self sustaining. I'm grateful for the opportunity and love what I do. 

Simon Haggard 

021 082 55509


 Join our online community for Men & Women who want to be  


" By Working Smarter - Not Harder!"

Copyright © 2022 
All rights reserved and other such important stuff.

We're Expanding Globally

Jackie McInnes

HI, MY NAME IS JACKIE, I am fortunate to now be running a business in an industry that I have become truly passionate about, Personal Development. 

I'm a Kiwi, with a wandering spirit. I lived most of my 20's, 30's and 40's in the UK and Europe.

While overseas, I worked and travelled to some amazing places from London to New York, France to Switzerland. Spending free time on beaches and exploring fabulous cities around the globe.

Returning to New Zealand a decade ago, I found myself on a journey to reinvent myself and find my new tribe.

I was passionate about working with men and women who wanted to create a level of freedom and flexibility in their own lives, I too wanted a lifestyle that complimented a work life balance. 

Our business allows us to live where we choose to live, travel and explore the world around us. We have one thing in common.

We want to create an extraordinary life filled with choices. 

This shot was taken in Methven at the Opuke Thermal pools on a relaxing day trip. 

Here at the snow, on the way to Wanaka. Just love getting away for the city.

Me, At a recent birthday party, with friends. Cake made by Cousin Ally from Bam Bam Cakes.. 

Enjoying Life. My business gives me more time to spend out on the town with the family. 

THE PROBLEM THAT LED ME HERE:  I started my online business journey after losing my job quite suddenly. I'd been working in administration for several years. Company Restructuring happened when new people came in and literally overnight, I was unemployed. I ventured into a new startup company with backers in place but that never eventuated. After more disappointment, I made a life changing decision, that I was never going to work for a boss again. 

THE BUSINESS THAT WAS A BUST: Started with a brilliant business plan. Importing Domes into New Zealand. we found the product, the showroom, the backers were in place, We were ready to push go on the business model. It didn't go so well.  I was rich in knowledge and poor in the bank account. I was so close to giving up on my dream and going back to get myself a job.  I'd racked up ridiculous credit card bills that were keeping me up at night.

THE VIDEO THAT LED ME TO SUCCESS:  I was scrolling through my social media, it was my way of procrastinating, not dealing with the circumstances I had found myself in, when I stumbled on a video from my director. She too had found herself redundant in her 50's. Something in her story resonated with me.  So, I got to googling and found myself on a website similar to the one that you're on now. There was something about it that made me pop in my details and the rest as they say is history! 

THE BUSINESS THAT WAS A BOOM: The business that I was led to that day, is the business that love today. Representing award winning Personal Development products.  Tapping into a global economy and connecting with clients in New Zealand and around the world. I'm privileged to work with incredible entrepreneurs who are supportive, talented and simply the best in their field. 

 If you're looking for a way to be rewarded for your time and talent. If you're a great multitasker and have a couple of hours a day (within the nooks and crannies) to devote to a new business venture, Then, reach out to me today.

Jackie McInnes

Let's first hear from Helen, my mentor in the business

15 yrs in Multi Level Marketing ended in me being disillusioned with the ratio of payback to time invested. I returned to a waged job but felt unfulfilled and hated the restrictions of set hours and being on a limited wage.  I'm very grateful to have found this opportunity. I get to work the hours that suit me and it still astounds me that I've earned more in a single month working this business than I did in a whole year working in a job. I love what I do now with my unique, exciting lifestyle business. It's fun, flexible & hugely rewarding.

"I had missed out on so much with my kids. I didn’t want that for my grandkids. So, I went searching for a better way to live my life. A business that worked around me and not me work around it. What I found was so much more, a business that I not only I love but I get to help others do the same. A personal journey of growth in all areas of my life. Of course, as much time with the grand kids as I wish." 

Rebecca Kirner

Bruce Partridge